Rankings provider U.S. News buys college advising service

[ad_1] Listen to the article 5 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. Dive Brief: U.S. News & World Report acquired CollegeAdvisor.com, it said Tuesday, giving the publication known for its embattled college rankings a coaching service aimed at students navigating the admissions process. Founded in 2019, CollegeAdvisor.com pairs […]

Expand competency-based education to support adult learners

[ad_1] Students enrolling in higher education are more diverse in age, race, and income than any previous generation. Unlike the full-time traditional student, they are juggling multiple responsibilities, including full and part-time work, child or elder care, military, and community service. Emerging research shows that direct assessment, competency-based education (CBE) may be an effective way […]